Busy Paws, LLC's Blog

KC Metro Pet Sitting, Dog Walking & Pet Taxiing

Refer A Friend, Earn A Free Visit

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Good job, Jeff! (Photo credit: Jason Shoemaker Photography.)

Mr. Jeffrey Dee certainly experiences thoughts.

Now to be fair, his thoughts are usually mind-numbingly surface-level and hover safely somewhere in the following realms: treats, patrolling the yard to ensure it remains squirrel-free and dilly-dallying on walks.

Once in a while though, a thought bounces around in that thick ol’ noggin of his and gains some momentum.

On those rare occasions when a thought gets rolling, it may ricochet against his plans to annoy the cat, smack into his visions of going to town on the mailman’s satchel, commingle with daydreams of wrestling with his best bud, collide with his kitchen counter theft plots and result in a beyond brilliant idea.

This one is his best yet: “Earn a FREE visit when you refer a friend!”

That’s a good boy, Jeffrey Dee!

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