
Raking in The Compliments

Zeus loves his daily walk around the neighborhood; mainly because people lavish him with compliments on his beauty as he sashays his way down every block. He’s an insatiable narcissist.  

Gross, Disgusting Olivia

This is Olivia; she loves love, her sister and treats. Moments after this picture was taken, she rolled in a pile of gross, disgusting unidentifiable garbage.   

Thanks A Lot, Radar!

You come away from a conversation with Radar thinking that your own life totally blows, as he does nothing but go on and on about how great his life is – right in your face.  

The Modern Lineage of A Wolf

This creature is a descendant of wolves. His ancestors lived in packs and took down large prey. They fought other predators to protect their food sources and their young, all while striving to survive in a harsh environment.